Create Your Project Home Page

You are seeing the default Project Home page. You can change this home page to fit your project's needs!

What information can you share through your own Project Home page?

Use your project home page to share useful details about your project. As the project grows and evolves, the home page can also evolve to contain up-to-date news and team information.

At the top, it's a good idea to describe the nature and goals of the project. Below that, consider these kinds of information:

???icon.bullet.text(en)???Project overview and mission statement.

???icon.bullet.text(en)???Orientation information for new project members.

???icon.bullet.text(en)???Recent project notes.

???icon.bullet.text(en)???Links to other project-related documents.

Create your own Home page in four easy steps!

1. Check out the Subversion repository called "Publishing", using a command like this:  svn checkout --username guest

2. Create "www" as a top-level directory in the repository.

3. Create an "index.html" file under the "www" directory.

4. Check www/index.html into the repository.

If you choose the "Show custom web page" option on the Project Admin > Project Settings page, the content of the "index.html" file you created now appears as your Home Page.